Saturday, August 21, 2010

My sister thinks she got nail polish remover in her eye. she can see out of it. what should we do?

she's 6 and she thinks she might have gotten nail polish remover in her eye. she can see out of it, and says it hurts a little, we've rinsed it out with water, is there anything else we should do?My sister thinks she got nail polish remover in her eye. she can see out of it. what should we do?
Most bottles say you should see a doctor right away.My sister thinks she got nail polish remover in her eye. she can see out of it. what should we do?
Take her to the ER at the hospital just to be on the safe side.

A grandpa
take her to the doctor because if you've flushed it out with water already and nothing happned she needs someone to look at it she could go blind
Nail polish remover is acetone based, this is a chemical that could cause burns in tender tissue like the eye. A call to your family doctor is in order here. He/she can suggest something safe, even if you have to take her to the doctor. This is her eye and you can't be too safe. Please don't just try suggestions from someone who is not a licensed doctor. You could make the problem worse. That's why I'm not suggesting anything even though I am a retired L.V.N. (licensed vocational nurse)

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